Tips for Running Online Meetings
- Select a product that will work for the Group, NZ AFG has no opinion on which are the best products. There are a number that provide a free service and some that are paid products, some support telephone as well as video.
- Once the group has agreed to go virtual let NZAGSO (if the groups agrees for it to be listed on the website) know by emailing them the details of the meeting and an anonymous email or contact for members/new members to make contact and be included. Also make contact with your Area to let them know what your group is doing.
- If you need technical help to join an existing online meeting or to start a meeting, reach out for help to our National PO Co-ordinator, your Area Delegate, or your Group Reps as they are here to help you and can and will put you in touch with members that can offer some technical support to you.
- If you want to talk to someone that has already been using video conferencing use some of the contacts that are on listed on the meetings page.
- Some useful tips on running an online meeting:
- Suggest to members to attend from a separate room in their house, where there are no others they are isolated with, to manage anonymity. Also consider the use of headphones.
- Appoint a member to manage the technology, ideally not the chairperson (otherwise it is a lot to do).
- Wherever possible, ask members attending to stay on mute while they are not speaking, this will help to reduce background noise.
- In some applications quality of the audio can be improved if the video is limited, you may need to experiment with the product you are using.
- Consider how you will manage Tradition Seven. As the group may still be paying weekly rent and may need to pay for the virtual meeting too.
- For groups wanting to donate to NZAGSO the bank account is 06-0101-0591292-00. Please when donating send an email to to indicate what group the donation is from and details for where to send the receipt.
- For the first few meetings have someone available early to help others with the technology.
- Consider having a member stay longer to answer questions from any newcomers that might attend.