This workbook keeps it simple for members of any age, with questions, cartoons, and space to write or draw your feelings. 48 pages.
Alateen's most comprehensive book, filled with shared recovery from Alateen members. Includes workshops for group discussions. Indexed, softcover. 326 pages.
Basic information about Alateen, for young people affected by someone else's drinking. Six pages.
Twenty questions for young people to decide if Alateen is for them. Click here for a free download
Offers Alateen ideas for making each day special, and reminders for focusing on the present. Bookmark
Offers Alateen ideas for making each day special, and reminders for focusing on the present.
Companion piece to Alateen’s Just for Today offers Alateen ideas to help prepare for a peaceful, restful night. Bookmark.
Alateen's second daily reader shows how members practice the program right now, today. Indexed. 378 pages. Holiday Special 25% off valid through to December 31st
Transitioning into Al-Anon described by former Alateen members as they continue recovery. 12 pages.
Questions and suggestions help young people improve their own lives. 12 pages.