Indispensable resource for members and groups. Includes Meeting Format, as well as ideas and information to encourage group unity.
Essential reference source book. Contains "Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work," "Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies," "World Service Handbook," and descriptive text explaining "Al-Anon's Twelve Concepts of Service." Indexed, Spiral bound. Available as a free download here. NB: Hard copy will not be available until late 2022.
l-Anon's Fourth Step booklet includes reflections and inventory questions on six different aspects of personal growth. 5 ½ X 8 ½ , 64 pages. (Also see P-91)
Workbook for conducting an in-depth inventory, expanded from P-5 to include additional sections on fear, anger, control, intimacy, sex, finances, and spirituality. Spiral bound and 8 ½ x 11. Three-hole punched. 96 pages.
This 48 page booklet captures the essence of the Al Anon program in a series of brief but powerful messages of timeless wisdom, adapted from Al Anon literature on relationships, including The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B 4). It is perfect for newcomers or anyone needing to “Keep It Simple” and get back to basics. New Booklet - November 2024
Sobriety brings new challenges for the family and friends as well as the alcoholic. In this booklet, members share how they met these challenges. Indexed. 52 pages.
An indispensable resource for New Zealand members, groups and committees. Spiral bound. 133 pages. Available to download at no charge from the Members page.
NZ Al-Anon Service Conference Summary 2023 (Hardcopy) The 2023 NZ Al-Anon Conference Summary (PN-46) captures important Conference discussions, including reports from Al-Anon’s annual Conference. A4 Booklet (stapled). 80 pages in full colour.
This companion piece to Paths to Recovery (B-24) contains the thought-provoking questions on each Step, Tradition, and Concept of Service found in the book, with space to write answers. Spiral bound and 8 ½ x 11. Three-hole punched. 112 pages.
A workbook for using Al-Anon's Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service in one's personal life, it provides insightful examples from members and thought-provoking questions. Spiral bound and 8 ½ x 11. Three-hole punched. 176 pages.
The secret to recovery is service. Members share how Twelfth Step work builds self-esteem, confidence, and trust while reducing fear and isolation. 64 pages.