Wallet card with Al-Anon Preamble, Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service, General Warranties, and Serenity Prayer.
Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet (includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78).
Helps men identify typical reactions to alcoholism in another person. Six pages.
One side of this tent card reminds members to focus on our Legacies and leave other affiliations outside Al-Anon meetings. Other side contains the Al-Anon Declaration.
Al-Anon Family Groups Welcome Adult Children of Alcoholics
With a new introduction, foot-notes and appendix, the original text connects us with Al-Anon's roots. The hope that this book still offers the world is undeniable. Indexed and 208 pages.
Factual information for the general public, media, and professional community. Eight pages.
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine is our public outreach magazine designed to introduce families of alcoholics to Al-Anon and to the importance of family recovery from a relative or friend's drinking. Essential information about Al-Anon, members’ stories, and articles by professionals are included. Professionals also can use the Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine as an aid for their patient/client referrals to Al-Anon.
"Let It Begin with Me" wallet card reminder.
Indispensable resource for members and groups. Includes Meeting Format, as well as ideas and information to encourage group unity.
Welcomes those who grew up with parental alcoholism (includes P-47, P-48, P-53, S-4, S-25, S-69, and M-12 assembled in a sleeve).
New Daily Reader - Available from WSO from 3rd July 2023! Al-Anon's latest daily reader shares the personal experiences and many voices of the Al-Anon fellowship today, illustrating that Al-Anon is indeed for anyone affected by someone else's drinking. Indexed, 384 pages. Holiday Special 25% off valid through to December 31st