Brief explanation of Al-Anon for the beginner. Eight pages.
Companion piece to Just for Today Bookmark offers thoughtful reflections on Al-Anon principles to help prepare for a peaceful, restful night. Bookmark
Tent card reminds Al-Anon members that Alateen is available for their children. Space is provided to fill in the location, day, and time of the nearest Alateen meeting.
Bookmark about sponsorship, its purpose, and its focus. Includes essential characteristics of members who sponsor. Bookroom Special for March - Buy 10 for $5 Available through to 31st March 2024
"God grant me…" wallet card reminder.
Offers Al-Anon ideas for making each day special and reminders for focusing on the present. Bookmark
Offers Al-Anon ideas for making each day special and reminders for focusing on the present.
"Let It Begin with Me" wallet card reminder.
Wallet card with Al-Anon Preamble, Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service, General Warranties, and Serenity Prayer.
Small leaflet for attracting people to Al-Anon.
This pamphlet includes a description of the challenges facing parents and grandparents of young problem drinkers, as well as a wide variety of inspiring personal stories. It also includes a section on how parents and grandparents apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages.
Ideal handouts for professionals and facilities Click here for a free download