Transitioning into Al-Anon described by former Alateen members as they continue recovery. 12 pages.
Welcomes men affected by someone else's drinking and lets them know they belong (includes P-1, P-7, P-13, P-14, P-48, P-53, P-62, P-67, S-4, and M-12 assembled in a sleeve).
Al-Anon's story of growth and recovery as experienced by individual members and the fellowship as a whole over Al-Anon’s first 60 years. Indexed, softcover. 426 pages. Bookroom Special - available through to February 28th or while stock last
Handy reminder for members and groups for ways to apply Al-Anon principles to resolve conflicts. Laminated fold-out card.
Lois W., a co-founder of Al-Anon recalls the eventful years before and after the founding of AA and Al-Anon. Illustrated, indexed and 204 pages.
Sobriety brings new challenges for the family and friends as well as the alcoholic. In this booklet, members share how they met these challenges. Indexed. 52 pages.
Alateen's second daily reader shows how members practice the program right now, today. Indexed. 378 pages. Holiday Special 25% off valid through to December 31st
Companion piece to Just for Today Bookmark offers thoughtful reflections on Al-Anon principles to help prepare for a peaceful, restful night. Bookmark
Companion piece to Alateen’s Just for Today offers Alateen ideas to help prepare for a peaceful, restful night. Bookmark.
Offers Alateen ideas for making each day special, and reminders for focusing on the present.
Offers Alateen ideas for making each day special, and reminders for focusing on the present. Bookmark
Offers Al-Anon ideas for making each day special and reminders for focusing on the present.