l-Anon's Fourth Step booklet includes reflections and inventory questions on six different aspects of personal growth. 5 ½ X 8 ½ , 64 pages. (Also see P-91)
Workbook for conducting an in-depth inventory, expanded from P-5 to include additional sections on fear, anger, control, intimacy, sex, finances, and spirituality. Spiral bound and 8 ½ x 11. Three-hole punched. 96 pages.
Cards describe how applying Traditions can help resolve differences. Questions on each Tradition bring Al-Anon principles into the discussion.
Alateen's most comprehensive book, filled with shared recovery from Alateen members. Includes workshops for group discussions. Indexed, softcover. 326 pages.
More daily inspiration from a fresh, diverse perspective. Insightful reflections reveal surprisingly simple things that can transform lives. Indexed. 384 pages.
Large Print Version. More daily inspiration from a fresh, diverse perspective. Insightful reflections reveal surprisingly simple things that can transform lives. Indexed. 384 pages.
Easy-to-use handout explains the basics of detachment. Click here for free download
Twenty questions for adult children to decide if they can benefit from Al-Anon. Click here for free download
Can Al-Anon help your relationship? Explores the problem of alcoholism in marriage and includes questions for applying the Twelve Steps to relationships. Indexed and 100 pages.
Members share how they have improved a wide variety of relationships affected by alcoholism by using the program’s tools. Indexed, softcover. 335 pages.
Men affected by women alcoholics share how Al-Anon has helped them. Six pages.