One side of this tent card reminds members to focus on our Legacies and leave other affiliations outside Al-Anon meetings. Other side contains the Al-Anon Declaration.
Helps men identify typical reactions to alcoholism in another person. Six pages.
Out of stockSet of four 2'x 3' posters of Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service, and Warranties. Rollable and tear-proof.
Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet (includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78).
Wallet card with Al-Anon Preamble, Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service, General Warranties, and Serenity Prayer.
Lingering effects of parental alcoholism are illustrated through personal stories. Includes section on how adult children apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages.
Keeping it Al-Anon to avoid dilution of our program. Questions and answers help us maintain our focus on Al-Anon, regardless of other interests or affiliations. Eight pages.
Outreach tool for people of color can help them identify a need for the Al-Anon program. Six pages.
Q & A basics address the most common concerns about Al-Anon and how it helps. Eight pages.
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions come alive through the essays, personal reflections, and stories from Al-Anon members. Indexed and 142 pages.
Out of stockAbout Al-Anon's beginnings, and how Lois W. and Anne B. founded Al-Anon Family Groups. Six pages. Click here for a free download
Al-Anon's second Legacy described with simplicity and humor to help us grasp the principles of the Twelve Traditions. Illustrated. 32 pages.