Benefits of not doing it alone by having or being a Service Sponsor are explained. Includes tips for effective service experiences. Eight pages.
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine is our public outreach magazine designed to introduce families of alcoholics to Al-Anon and to the importance of family recovery from a relative or friend's drinking. Essential information about Al-Anon, members’ stories, and articles by professionals are included. Professionals also can use the Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine as an aid for their patient/client referrals to Al-Anon.
Great meeting topic guide on our first two Legacies. Includes questions, discussions, and personal reflections by Alateen members. 60 pages.
An Al-Anon classic! Dramatic analogy helps family members and friends see roles they play in the lives of alcoholics. 24 pages.
Inspiring stories by parents describe how they helped their children understand the family disease of alcoholism. 24 pages.
Sharings from parents of alcoholics and answers to frequently asked questions help relieve the fear, anger, blame, guilt, and confusion of realizing your child is an alcoholic. 16 pages.
A pocket-sized starter guide to Al-Anon's Steps and Traditions. Also includes the "Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon." 24 pages.
Lingering effects of parental alcoholism are illustrated through personal stories. Includes section on how adult children apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages.
This pamphlet includes a description of the challenges facing parents and grandparents of young problem drinkers, as well as a wide variety of inspiring personal stories. It also includes a section on how parents and grandparents apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages.
Indispensable resource for members and groups. Includes Meeting Format, as well as ideas and information to encourage group unity.
Longtime favorite includes personal stories, questions and answers, "Do's and Don'ts," "Just for Today," "Maturity Checklist," and the "Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon." 32 pages.
Explains Al-Anon's third Legacy for worldwide service in an easy-to-understand manner. Illustrated. 32 pages.