Alateen Newcomer’s Pack Welcomes new Alateen members with helpful leaflets assembled in a booklet. Includes M-9, P-21, P-41, P-67, and S-20.
Helpful suggestions on what to do-and what not to do. Wallet card.
Daily help for teens. Positive sharings from Alateen members around the world. Indexed. 384 pages.Holiday Special 25% off valid through to December 31st
Essential reference source book. Contains "Al-Anon and Alateen Groups at Work," "Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen Policies," "World Service Handbook," and descriptive text explaining "Al-Anon's Twelve Concepts of Service." Indexed, Spiral bound. Available as a free download here. NB: Hard copy will not be available until late 2022.
Helps professionals and others understand Al-Anon and Alateen. Bookroom Special for October - Purchase 10 for $5.00. Available until 31st of October, or while stocks last.
Al-Anon's second Legacy described with simplicity and humor to help us grasp the principles of the Twelve Traditions. Illustrated. 32 pages.
Out of stockAbout Al-Anon's beginnings, and how Lois W. and Anne B. founded Al-Anon Family Groups. Six pages. Click here for a free download
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions come alive through the essays, personal reflections, and stories from Al-Anon members. Indexed and 142 pages. June Bookroom Special available until 30th June 2023 or while stocks are available.
Q & A basics address the most common concerns about Al-Anon and how it helps. Eight pages.
Outreach tool for people of color can help them identify a need for the Al-Anon program. Six pages.
Keeping it Al-Anon to avoid dilution of our program. Questions and answers help us maintain our focus on Al-Anon, regardless of other interests or affiliations. Eight pages.
Lingering effects of parental alcoholism are illustrated through personal stories. Includes section on how adult children apply the Twelve Steps. 24 pages.